March 16th, 2021

Sponsored by Forbes Ignite, TIME’s Kid of the Year, Gitanjali Rao met with students from Colorado and Belize to begin discussions designed to listen to student voices on the topic of meaningful learning.
One Voice 4 Change is searching for ways to honor these young voices for change by “creating world-wide educational partnerships that inspire learning and global citizenship.” In order to do this, we must listen to the voices of students and work with them to design solutions.
The students discussed their interests and passions, many that lie outside of traditional school systems.
The discussions led to solutions, including what students can do for each other. Creating a culture of students helping students was one suggestion.
Just as our time was ending, the students unloaded a stream of global solutions. The simple agenda of this Empathy Shark Tank can be the beginning of a series of student-led forums designed to listen to students and ““create world-wide educational partnerships that inspire learning and global citizenship.”
To be continued . . .