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Felicity Muench

Martian Greenhouse 2.0 Collaborative Learning Adventure (Fall 2021)Gregg Cannady

Students from Belize, UK, and the US presented their solutions on Nov. 9, 2021, for “How do we grow plants on Mars?” Among the groups preparing to pitch their solutions is Bishop Martin HS in Belize. AKA: Bishop “Martians.”

The journey taken by all schools is that of discovery and of solving the unknown. The MG 2.0 design team includes Jim Christensen, the Executive Director of ShareSpace Education.

Thanks to our AIAA Distinguished Mentors, we are discovering game-changing concepts that are directly transferable to learning in any subject or grade. The design process in aerospace engineering has taught us systems thinking, CONOPS, RFP, and how to go from an idea, to research, to sketching, to project management, and then to pitching student solutions.

One of our distinguished mentors was Dr. Emily Matula. Extravehicular Activity (EVA, spacewalks) Flight Controller, NASA Johnson Space Center. Dr. Matula was the AIAA Mentor for the Bishop "Martians."

I am very joyful with how well all teams presented. The reflection of the enthusiasm of the teams is a reflection of the enthusiasm of the mentors, very nicely done team. Keep me in the loop for 3.0 in any way that I can help/facilitate. I can't wait to see us get to 10.0+ someday :)

- Dr. Emily Matula

Thank you for sharing students' footprints of all the great things that can be achieved. They were simply amazing.
Your energy, integrity, and people-loving nature are just a few of your qualities that continue to inspire us. Thank you for coordinating the Martian Greenhouse 2.0 and for giving us the Belizean students this lifetime experience. Just as the phrase states "from weakness to strength, from grass to grace and from nothing to something". The knowledge you have imparted upon us through this project has been a great asset for each and every one of us involved.

- Guilber Mesh (Facilitating Teacher for Bishop "Martians")

This has added so much to our schools, & by extension, the nation of Belize.
Thank you for reminding me that "...amid all the sham, drudgery and broken dreams..." there are titans like yourself who labor for the uplift of mankind through networking, very meaningful organizations & labors of love.
Thank you and all the support team who made this memorable, inspiring & learning experience possible for all of us.
We are dreamers, seers, visionaries, ego free servant leaders, creators & co-creators; we will always believe to our last breath, & moment of consciousness in this time-space called life - in "planting seeds."

- Emil Pulido, Our Lady of Guadalupe High School

Rhonda Ahrens was the AIAA Mentor for an all-girls team, Pallotti HS.

Our UK team reminded us of how important it is to be actively learning together.

Seeing high school students present a cohesive approach to the challenge, provide CONOPS, sketch, diagram, model, animate… BUILD… just wow. So many amazing moments backed up with all the hard work from the teams. a live demonstration of student-driven, mentor-guided, teacher-facilitated. I’m still grinning.
Given the interest and pace of advancement in space right now, 10.0 might be a prototype flown to Mars!

- Eric Wilson, Project Management Mentor (Colorado School of Mines, PhD Student, Space Resources Program)

Dr. Rose was the facilitating teacher for Astra Nova. She is also on the next design team for Martian Greenhouse 3.0. Stay tuned!

Pallotti HS will continue to build their greenhouse. The STEM School Highlands Ranch will also build. Together, they will show how amazing it is when global communities come together in learning.

The Belize teams are taking this approach to learning beyond Martina Greenhouse. Together with Consuelo Godfrey and PathLight International, they will explore collaborative learning adventures in renewable energy and other important topics.

The students of Alvin L. Young wanted to thank you and the team for this opportunity. They want to share what was the most exciting thing about the project for them in this letter. On behalf of the staff and also my teaching partner, Mr. Jeavon Sanker, we also want to express our sincere gratitude for the transformation that occurred not only for the students but for us teachers as well. It has definitely evolved our teaching philosophy and we look forward to implementing what we have learned into the classroom. Thank you once again.

- Monica Hua (facilitating teacher)

STEM School Highlands Ranch

These students need every advocate they can get right now in whatever capacity they can input. You are making both education and industry realize just what a difference they can make!! I doubt we will ever get equal learning opportunities in my lifetime, but the more students we teach how to advocate for themselves, the better!
Kids these days….
Are amazing and positive, inquisitive, intelligent, and driven by something often greater than themselves.

- Sue Linch: Senior Systems Engineer at Lockheed Martin


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Special thanks to Jim Christensen from ShareSpace Education (Aldrin Family Foundation), and to Craig Merrett (AIAA Distinguished Mentors).

A special thanks to Consuelo Godfrey and PathLight International -

One Voice 4 Change

"To create world-wide educational partnerships that inspire learning and global citizenship."


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