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Bruce Davis


Bruce Davis lives in Colorado, USA, and has focused his career on building small satellites for customers such as NASA.  Bruce started his career studying aerospace engineering at Pennsylvania State University and received his PhD in structural dynamics from the University of Colorado.  During his time in school, Bruce worked on over a dozen spaceflight missions, including launching an 8-meter rocket from Norway to study aurora borealis, balloon payloads, the NASA Glory spacecraft measuring the sun, and led the development of a unique spherical spacecraft called "DANDE" for the US Air Force that measured atmospheric drag.  After graduating from school in 2013, Bruce joined Roccor as an early member and, for ten years, grew that company into a 100-person entity supplying solar arrays, antennas, and large deployable structures to the spacecraft industry.  Bruce has a passion for studying spaceflight history and mentoring students.  He is excited to be giving a lecture on "The History of Cubesats" to the aspiring students of Peru!


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