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CubeSats in Peru Gregg Cannady


This collaboration begins January 2023 and will be entirely in Spanish. This national effort in Peru is supported by three Peruvian organizations: Engitronic, CONCYTEC, and STEAM WORLD. The CubeSat above is the one we will use in Peru.

A grand announcement of the OV4C CubeSat collaboration in Peru was made at the SmallSat Education Conference LINK (Kennedy Space Center Complex). One of the Peruvian teachers was funded by a private company to attend in person.

This collaboration is important to Peru in order to:

  1. Build STEM Capacity in the Educational System in Peru

  2. Promote Space Technology Application

  3. INSPIRE Peruvian Communities, Schools, Cities, and Families

The Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers, and the United States Air Force Academy Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Outreach Program, will be mentors for Peruvian teams. Another exciting connection comes from the SWARM-EX Education and Public Outreach (EPO) Team. Mentorship via a NEAR-PEER Subject Matter Expert Network could provide an aerospace learning ecosystem capable of inspiring and informing students from the US and Peru.

(Left to Right / Top to Bottom)

Naiqui Armendariz (SHPE, New Mexico State University), Gregg Cannady (OV4C), Kevin Simmons (CEO, Educator: | , Wolfpack CubeSat Development Team -, Paola Wong (STEAM Project Developer, ENGITRONIC), Felicity Muench (OV4C), Junhyung Park (C3C, USAF

United States Air Force Academy, CS-24, “Phantoms”), John D. Moore (Executive Director at Institute for Earth Observations), José Oliden Martínez (Docente en Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería)

The A3Sat Emulator and ground station goals not only provide an authentic, well vetted, Emulator for students, but also fulfill a major objective of the A3Sat Project; broadening participation in STEM through the use of CubeSats.

- John D. Moore

Our framework for Martian Greenhouse 3.0 is being observed by Steam World as one example of a collaborative learning adventure. You are invited to attend any Tuesday meetup as well. MASTER SCHEDULE

(Paola Wong showing us the network that will be participating in the CubeSat learning adventure.)

Paola, along with many representatives from Peruvian teams attended the SmallSat Education Conference LINK (Kennedy Space Center Complex). We are so thankful to everyone coming together to empower students and build a global culture of learning inspired by aerospace.

Check out the AMAZING work above from the Peruvian team for Martian Greenhouse 3.0.

We are so thankful to WORKAWAY International for supporting Peruvian teams. (15 teams)

JOHN MOORE GLOBE Mission Earth, GLOBE Program

Utilizing three major themes, or perhaps operational tasks, used by remote sensing professionals in the Geosciences (i.e. Acquire, Analyze, and Apply), the A3Sat Project will introduce pre-college students to the importance and applications of the Geosciences, specifically environmental ground-validation protocols, as well as engineering and technology components generally not found in the pre-college community. The data and/or imagery provides a wide range of innovative and transformative opportunities to gain experience, develop proficiencies, and explore career pathways that are not readily available to the pre-college community thus broadening participation in STEM career pathways.

The A3Sat project will allow students to build an active model mirroring many aspects of an authentic CubeSat design engineers use for launch into space. A large number of sensors that will be onboard A3Sat come from an integrated board known as the Enviro+. The data from all of these sensors are both recorded and time stamped in a log file as well as displayed as an overlay in both the visible and infrared camera views.

CubeSats are playing an ever-increasing role in the Aerospace community from observing the Earth system to providing guidance for satellite missions to Mars and the Moon. These types of authentic experiences can no longer wait to be explored only at the college or university level, they must begin in the pre-college community. This project will result in broadening participation and creating diversity within these communities due to the interdisciplinary nature and requirements of such an integrated project.


In Colorado, UCCS, Northfield HS, and Falcon AeroLab have ordered BOM for the original CubeSat Sim Kits on their own and will be adding to the documents created by our summer interns. /

(Patrick Thornton, DPS Schools, Denver, CO)

The Peruvian and Colorado CubeSat projects will be shared with the larger network from South America, Mexico, Kenya, and the US who signed up for S2B2O. We are hoping to someday provide support for all.


  1. Gregg presented the original CubeSat Sim to students on Oct. 1 at UCCS in coordination with the AIAA RMS STEAM Committee. (photos below)

  2. Gregg also presented S2B2O at the Attainment Conference. / my ppt:


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