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  • Gregg Cannady

Music and Animation in Rural Colorado Gregg Cannady

We recently had the honor of working with students form several schools served by ECBOCES.

Our goal was to connect our team to the students' passion in learning. The diversity of interests, teamwork, collaborative spirit, and support from ECBOCES was AMAZING!

Our subject matter guest was the founder of Entrepreneurial Earth, Martin Ogle. Martin set the tone telling a story about stories.

Another guest was professional musician and music educator Richard Clarke. He helped a group of students animate, compose, and perform a rap titled "The Falling of Leaves."

The Falling of Leaves


The falling of leaves

Is a stage that some plants go through.

The falling of leaves

Is an instinct - that means they know to!


When the chorophyll stops, the leaves drop

After going from green to brown;

They decompose in front of your nose

Or litter the streets of the town.


The falling of leaves

Is a stage that some plants go through.

The falling of leaves

Is an instinct - that means they know to!

Verse 2

Decomposition, it adds nutrition

To the soil for other plants to grow;

Without that feed, they’re left in need

And that is all we know.


The falling of leaves

Is a stage that some plants go through.

The falling of leaves

Is an instinct - that means they know to!

As you can see, the parents and teachers loved it!

Quotes from rural students:

Cooper: "I loved it! I especially liked doing the presentation at the end. I think I liked it the best of any of the GT events."

Jayde: "I really liked how they played music for us, I don't get to hear it like that very often. I also liked working with partners."

Kaitlyn: "I play the piano so it was fun to see what you could do with music."

Tatum: "It was fun to get to do what you wanted, you could create your own thing."

The Sponsor: "It was a worthwhile workshop since it targeted an area we normally ignore and targeted a strength of certain students that is often ignored as well. They were expected to create and while they struggled with it a bit, they finally rose to the challenge."

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